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  1. Dalam Paragrap Deskriptif dengan Menggunakan Present Participle

Paul Labile Pogba born 15 March 1993 is a French professional footballer. He is 188cm tall. He has black skin. His hair is Mohawk style with yellow color. He plays for Italian club Juventus in Serie A. He operates primarily as a central midfielder and is comfortable at playing both in attack and defence. Having his long legs that look like tentacles during tackling or running, the fans give him nickname Il Polpo Paul meaning Paul the Octopus. These characteristics have led him to be compared with former France international Patrick Vieira.

  1. Dalam Paragrap Report dengan Menggunakan Past Participle

Last night there was UCL match between Juventus FC vs Olympiakos, the match played in Turin. Juventus played in different formation, having a lot injured players, they form 3-5-2 than 4-4-2 formation like they often use.  Juventus won 3 -2 over Olympiakos. The created  goals are from Pirlo, Llorente, Pogba. What’s interesting fact from the match is that it is the 100th game played by Pirlo in international match and 100th in Juventus by Pogba. Playing well in Juventus, Pogba becomes young favorited player. He is the only player being in Serie A who got nominated FIFA’s 2014 Ballon D’Or.

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