Noun Clause adalah klausa yang berfungsi sebagai nomina atau dalam kata lain noun clause berfungsi sebagai noun (subject atau object). Terdapat beberapa fungsi dan contoh noun clause, perhatikan contoh-contoh dibawah ini:

  1. Noun Clause sebagai Subject Kalimat (subject of a sentences)

What he said doesn’t convince she at all.

(Apa yang dia katakan tidak meyakinkannya sama sekali.)

How we becomes so rich makes me people curios.

(Bagaimana dia menjadi begitu kaya, membuat orang-orang menjadi penasaran.)

What the salesman has said is untrue.

(Apa yang sudah dikatakan oleh pedagang itu tidak benar.)

  1. Noun Clause sebagai Object Verba Transitif (Object of a Transitif Verb)

I know what you mean.

(Saya tahu apa yang kamu maksud.)

Please tell me what happened.

(Tolong katakan padaku apa yang terjadi.)

She said that her daughter would study in Singapore.

(Dia mengatakan bahwa putrinya akan belajar di Singapur.)

Kata kerja (verb) yang dapat diikuti oleh noun clause, dalam hal ini diikuti oleh frase “that-clause”, yaitu:

Admit : mengakui,                              Realize : menyadari,

Announce : mengumumkan,             Recommend : menganjurkan,

Believe : percaya,                               Remember : mengingat,

Deny : menyangkal,                            Reveal : menyatakan / mengungkapkan,

Expect : mengharapkan,                    Say : mengatakan,

See : melihat,                                      Think : berfikir / berpendapat,

Stipulate : menetapkan,                    Hear : mendengar,

Suggest : menganjurkan,                   Inform : memberitahukan,

Suppose : mengira,                            Know : mengetahui,

Forget : lupa,                                      Promise : berjanji,

Wish : berharap,                                 Propose : mengusulkan,

Understand : mengerti / memahami.

  1. Noun Clause sebagai Object Preposisi (Object of a Preposition)

Be careful of what you’re doing.

(Hati-hati dengan apa yang kamu lakukan.)

Please listen to what your parents are saying.

(Tolong dengarkan apa yang sedang orang tuamu katakan.)

  1. Noun Clause sebagai Pelengkap (Complement)

This is what I want.

(Ini yang saya mau)

The good news is that the culprit has been put into the jail.

(Kabar baiknya adalah pelaku kejahatan sudah dimasukkan ke penjara.)

That is what you need.

(Itu yang kamu butuhkan.)

  1. Noun Clause sebagai Pemberi Keterangan Tambahan (Noun in Apposition)

The fact that Dyan always comes late doesn’t surprise me.

(Kenyataan bahwa Dyan selalu datang terlambat tidak mengagetkanku.)

The idea that people can live without oxygen is unreasonable.

(Gagasan bahwa orang dapat hidup tanpa oksigen itu tidak masuk akal.)

*Catatan :

Klausa yang dicetak tebal pada contoh kalimat adalah noun clause yang berfungsi sebagai nomina / kata benda (noun).



Adverbial Clause adalah dependent clause yang berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan (adverb), yakni menerangkan kata kerja. Kalimat adverbial clause dimulai dengan subordinatif conjunctions (seperti if, when, because atau altough) dan biasanya mencakup subjek dan predikat.

Macam-macam Adverbial Clause:

  1. Adverb Clause of Time

Adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan waktu. Untuk menunjukkan adverb clause of time kita bisa menggunakan subordinating conjunctions, seperti: after, as long as, as soon as, before, since, until, when, whenever, while.

Contoh:            When I was writing an diary book, my friend came.

Before I read history book, I was read a novel.

The coach met with her players after the game was over.

  1. Adverb Clause of Place

Adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan tempat, dan dapat menggunakan subordinating conjunction: where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere.

Contoh:            You may go wherever you want.

Anywhere you go, sports stars are national heroes.

Wherever you are,I’ll be able to find you.

  1. Adverb Clause of Reason

Adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan alasan, kita dapat menggunakan subordinating conjunctions: as, because, since.

Contoh:            Since it’s raining so heavily, I can’t go out.

Lissa doesn’t go to school because she is sick.

He was unable to play in the final games as he had hurt his ankle.

  1. Adverb Clause of Manner

Adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan cara.

Contoh:            Do as I ask you to do.

  1. Adverb Clause of Contrast / Concession

Adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan perbedaan atau pertentangan. kita dapat menggunakan subordinating conjunctions: altough, even, though, while, where as untuk menunjukkan adverb clause of contrast.

Contoh:            He is still poor although he has worked so hard.

Even though I don’t have much money, I will try to help him.

They won the game, though they didn’t really deserve the victory.

  1. Adverb Clause of Condition

Adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan syarat, kita dapat menggunakan subordinating conjunctions: if, even if, only if, unless.

Contoh:            You’ll succeed, if you do your best.

If I were a bird, I would fly.

You won’t be rich unless you work hard.

You will be comfortable inside the house even if it’s cold and raining outside.

  1. Adverb Clause of Result

Adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan akibat.

Contoh:            She is so short that she can’t become a stewardess.

She studies so hard that she is successful in her study.

  1. Adverb Clause of Purpose

Adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan tujuan.

Contoh:            Susan takes a computer lesson in order that she can get a job easily.

People eat nutritious food so that they will keep healthy.

  1. Adverb Clause of Comparison

Adalah adverbial clause yang menyatakan perbandingan.

Contoh:            Johan can speak English as fluently as his teacher.

An elephant is stronger than a rabbit.



Adjective Clause adalah dependent clause yang berfungsi sebagai kata sifat (adjective) dan menjelaskan tentang noun atau pronoun pada suatu kalimat kompleks. Posisi adjective clause selalu mengikuti noun atau pronoun (subject atau object) yang dijelaskan. Dengan kata lain klausa ini merupakan informasi yang ditambahkan terhadap subject atau object. Adjective clause biasanya dimulai dengan relative pronoun, seperti: which, that, who, whom, whose, atau relative adverb, seperti: where, when, why, atau zero relative. Kata ini berguna untuk menjembatani hubungan dengan subject /object yang diterangkan.


  1. Adjective Clause pada Complex Sentence (kalimat kompleks):

The movie that we saw last morning was very good.

  1. Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun :

I thanked the woman who helped me.

I know the man whose bicycle was stolen.

The rabbit which eat carrots are very cute.

The building where he lives is very old.

I’ll never forget the day when I met you.

This is the house that I have showed to my father.

  1. Adjective Clause dengan Subordinate Conjunctions “where” dan “when”:
  • Adjective Clause menggunakan “where”

The building is very old. He lives in that building (there).

The building where he lives is very old.

The building in which he lives is very old.

The building which he lives in is very old.

(Artinya : Bangunan dimana dia tinggal itu sangat tua.)

Where digunakan pada adjective clause untuk merubah tempat (negara, kota, ruangan, rumah, dll). Jika where digunakan, preposition tidak digunakan dalam adjective clause (seperti contoh 1). Tetapi jika where tidak digunakan, relative pronoun dan preposition harus digunakan (seperti contoh 2 & 3).

  • Adjective Clause menggunakan “when”

I’ll never forget the day. I met you (on that day).

I’ll never forget the day when I met you.

I’ll never forget the day that I met you.

(Artinya : Saya tidak akan pernah melupakan hari ketika saya bertemu dengan kamu.)

When digunakan pada adjective clause untuk merubah kata benda dari waktu (tahun, hari, waktu, dll).


Contoh Participles dalam Paragrap

  1. Dalam Paragrap Deskriptif dengan Menggunakan Present Participle

Paul Labile Pogba born 15 March 1993 is a French professional footballer. He is 188cm tall. He has black skin. His hair is Mohawk style with yellow color. He plays for Italian club Juventus in Serie A. He operates primarily as a central midfielder and is comfortable at playing both in attack and defence. Having his long legs that look like tentacles during tackling or running, the fans give him nickname Il Polpo Paul meaning Paul the Octopus. These characteristics have led him to be compared with former France international Patrick Vieira.

  1. Dalam Paragrap Report dengan Menggunakan Past Participle

Last night there was UCL match between Juventus FC vs Olympiakos, the match played in Turin. Juventus played in different formation, having a lot injured players, they form 3-5-2 than 4-4-2 formation like they often use.  Juventus won 3 -2 over Olympiakos. The created  goals are from Pirlo, Llorente, Pogba. What’s interesting fact from the match is that it is the 100th game played by Pirlo in international match and 100th in Juventus by Pogba. Playing well in Juventus, Pogba becomes young favorited player. He is the only player being in Serie A who got nominated FIFA’s 2014 Ballon D’Or.

Participle Exercise


  1. The work [ c. involving ] computers requires well trained personnel.
  2. [ c. Having saved ] a few thousand dollars, he went on a tour to Europe.
  3. [ c. Realizing ] her mistakes, the stewardess immediately apologized to the pasenger.
  4. Being an outstanding student in our school, he has been offered a scholarship to study in Australia. The underlined word mean [ d. As he is an outstanding studen ] of our school.
  5. Having sent his letter of application, [ b. Bimo expected a quick reply. ]
  6. The [ a. frightened ] child ran to his mother when he heard the thunder.
  7. The young man [ b. employed ] by this institute are all university graduates.
  8. Painted at the beginning of the 19th century, [ d. the painting was very valuable. ]
  9. Constructed from 300 to 150 BC, [ a. the Pyramids were monumental tombs of Egyptian Pharaohs. ]
  10. One of the persons presenting a paper at the seminar yesterday was Mr. Anggito. It means one of the persons [ c. who presented ] paper yesterday was Mr. Anggito.



Participle adalah kata penjelas yang terdiri dari participle aktif dan pasif. Participle aktif menggunakan Verb + ing (seperti gerund) yang memiliki beberapa fungsi. Sedangkan participle pasif berbentuk V-3 yang juga memiliki beberapa fungsi.

Fungsi Participle antara lain :

  1. Participle Sebagai Penjelas Kata Benda

* Participle aktif

Noun + V-ing

V-ing + Noun

Contoh Kalimat :         The person reading this article.

The sleeping boy has completed his homework.

* Participle pasif

Noun + V-3

V-3 + Noun

Contoh Kalimat :         The book written by Diego.

Written stories in this book are good.

  1. Membentuk Kalimat majemuk dari dua buah kalimat yang memiliki subyek sama

* Peristiwa yang terjadi pada titik waktu yang sama

Karena kejadiannya pada saat yang bersamaan, maka jika membahas “maknanya” bisa menggunakan kata penghubung, seperti : WhenWhile atau As.

Contoh Kalimat : Sitting near the bridge, they saw the car accident.

maksudnya :

When they were sitting near the bridge, they saw the car accident = They sitting near the bridge, when they saw the car accident.

* Peristiwa yang terjadi secara berturutan atau sebab-akibat

Kejadian berturutan

Rumus : Having + V3 + S + …

Karena kejadian berturutan, maka jika membahas maknanya bisa dihubungkan dengan kata penghubung: After dan Before.

Contoh:            Having studied the lesson, he slept.
Sebab – akibat, ada dua kemungkinan yaitu aktif atau pasif

Rumus Aktif : Verb-ing + S + V + …

Rumus Pasif : V3+ S + V + …


Aktif:    Studying, he pass exam.

Pasif:   Startied by the sudden noise, the baby woke up and cried.

Karena hubungan sebab – akibat, maka jika membahas maknanya bisa dihubungkan dengan kata penghubung: because/as/for/since.



Study Program  :English Education

Course Tittle      :STRUCTURE  IV

Code                     :MKK 750409

Course Status    : Compulsory

Quantity SKS      : 2

Semester            : V

Lecturer               : RUKMININGSIH,S.S, M.Pd

Blog Address      :


Developing students’ knowledge and ability to  structures in advance level in communicative approach  at both receptive and productive levels. Students’ learning will be assessed through classroom performance, a student portfolio, mid-semester test and final test.


At the end of the course, students are expected to have acquired :

  1. a good understanding of Structure in advance level.
  2. Skills of constructing correct English sentence.
  3. Ability to recognize mistakes in sentences and reconstruct them in proper English.
  4. Students can apply their ability in grammar in communicative way to construct sentence(s) or paragraph(s).
  1. Students can understand  English structures in advance level.
  2. Students can construct correct English sentence.
  3. Students recognize mistakes in sentences and reconstruct them in Proper English.
  4. Students are accustomed to practising writing with English sentence structures.
  1. Introduction to the Course
  2. Present Participle
  3. Writing practice :  two description paragraphs
  4. Past Participle
  5. Writing practice : definitions
  6. Phrase and Clause
  7. Writing practice : a complaint letter
  8. Mid-Examination
  9. Compound Sentence
  10. Writing practice : interpreting ideas
  11. Complex Sentence
  12. Writing practice : persuasive  essay
  13. Compound Complex Sentence
  14. Write practice : argumentation paragraphs
  15. Pararelism
  16. Final-Examination
  1. Tutorial                     3. Presentation
  2. Discussion               4. Portfolio

Write summary and response to the material.

  1. Azar, Betty Schramfer, 1999, Understanding and Using English Grammar, New Jersey : Prentice – Hall regents.
  2. Sharpe, Pamela J., 2004, How to Prepare for The TOEFL Test, Baron’s Education Series Inc., Binarupa Aksara, Indonesia.
  3. Frank, Marcella., 1972, Modern English a Practical reference Guide, New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, INC., Englewood Cliffs.
  4. Murphy, Raymond, 1994, English Grammar in Use, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
  1. 35% = Classroom Participation
  2. 25% = Student’s Portfolio
  3. 20% = Mid-test result
  4. 20% = Final semester test result

A = 80 – 100

B = 65 – 79

C = 55 – 64

D = 45 – 54

E = <45


Any academic dishonesty may result in failure. Attendance is expected except in cases of illness or family emergency. You class participation will be based on your attendance and participation in class discussion and group activities. Unexcused absences will have a negative effect on your grade. You should not plan to join in this course if you have obligations that will interfere the class attendance.